Project Ride

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Road Safety Statement- February 2023

February 1, 2023

The Bermuda Road Safety Council (BRSC) would like to send our heartfeltcondolences to the family and friends of the recent road traffic fatalities.Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of bereavement.


During the month of February the BRSC would like to remind the motoring public that giving your full focus and attention while driving is very important. Sharing the road safely requires every road user to be conscious of one another, and the first step towards sharing the road safely is understanding why awareness and alertness are so critically important. Each time you take your focus off the road, even if just for a split second, you’re putting your life and the lives of others in danger.


Anything that takes your attention away from driving can be adistraction. Sending a text message, talking on a cell phone, and eating whiledriving are a few examples of distracted driving. Any of these distractions canendanger you, your passengers, and others on the road.


According to the BermudaPolice Service Traffic Collision statistics from January – December 2022,

262 accidents were causedby inattention. This number is very alarming as it proves that distracteddriving is one of the leading causes of accidents in Bermuda.  We must do better!


Ignoring distractionswhile driving and maintaining focus on the road is keyto driving safely. In order to keep focused while driving, you should followthese steps:

  • Keep 100% of your     attention on driving at all times – no multi-tasking.
  • Don’t use your     phone or any other electronic device while driving.
  • Slow down.     Speeding gives you less time to react and increases the severity of an     accident.



As the BRSC continues toadvocate for safer roads in Bermuda, we encourage the motoring public to do thesame.  All road users carry a responsibility for roadsafety, and good driving habits are essential. We can help to prevent theunnecessary loss of lives on our roads if we all work together and showconsideration and respect for fellow road users.


We encourage allto drive with care and caution, reduce your speeds and don’t drink and drive.


Cautious Drivers = SaferRoads = Safer Bermuda