Project Ride

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BRSC Statement: New Year Use Your Safety Gear

January 1, 2024

As we usher in the New Year, it is with a heavy heart that I share some sobering road statistics that underscore the urgency and importance of our collective commitment to road safety in 2024. In the past year alone, we have felt the alarming impact of road accidents, with lives lost and families shattered by the devastating consequences of unsafe practices on our roads.

Our roads should be spaces of connection, not devastation, avenues of hope, not despair. This January, let's embrace the "New Year, New Gear" mantra to catalyse change and make positive resolutions for road safety.

Buckling up is not just a routine; it is a commitment to the well-being of ourselves and our loved ones. As we begin the New Year, we want to emphasise the importance of road safety for all road users. The road can be dangerous, but if we all take responsibility for our actions and prioritise safety, we can create a safer driving culture.

Speed limits are not arbitrary; they demonstrate our shared responsibility for each other's safety. Let this be the year we collectively choose to be mindful of our speed, adjusting it according to the conditions and maintaining a safe distance from those who share the road with us.

Let us not forget one of the critical resolutions – the commitment to stay focused on the road. Distractions have claimed lives, so let us make a vow to prioritise safety over the allure of our phones.

Start the year on a solid foundation by ensuring that your vehicle is not just a mode of transport but a beacon of safety. Regularly inspect your tires, brakes, lights, and all vital components. A well-maintained vehicle is not just a personal asset; it contributes significantly to the safety of the entire road environment.

Being a responsible and courteous road user is a noble aspiration. Our roads are a shared space, and our behaviour on them shapes the culture we collectively create. We should pledge to follow traffic rules, exercise patience, and show unwavering consideration for others. Together, we can forge a positive and safe road culture.

Celebrations are an essential part of life, but the joy should never come at the expense of safety. Driving under the influence endangers not only your life but the lives of others on the road. As we celebrate, let us do so responsibly – with designated drivers or alternative transportation. Drive sober and arrive alive. Never drink and drive.

In this New Year, let us be vigilant of the vulnerable road users – pedestrians and cyclists. Please give them the space and respect they deserve, always yielding the right of way at crosswalks and intersections. If you walk, run, or ride, wear bright and reflective clothing – be visible, be safe

Let's all work together to promote a safe driving culture and make our roads safer for everyone in 2024. By adopting these key road safety resolutions, we can reduce the risk of accidents and create a safer environment for all road users. Remember, road safety is everyone's responsibility. Let’s drive with care and caution, slow down and don’t drink and drive, Bermuda.

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